Bone Marrow Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Bone Marrow Scrambled Eggs

Myk’s famous eggs.

  • Difficulty (0 = Caveman, 5 = Thomas Keller): 4
  • Serving size: 2-3
  • Prep/cook time: 10 min.
  • Meat temp: N/A


  • 1 tbsp compound butter
  • Salt
  • 3 tbsp sour cream 
  • 6 eggs 


This is my golden recipe. My top requested meal. And I’m sharing it with you. 

  1. Melt butter in a pot, yes, a pot, but melt it slowly. We don’t want any separating of the fat. Slowly bring the heat to medium high. 
  2. Add the eggs to the pot, you can crack them beforehand but do not whip them or mix them before.
  3. Once in the pot, add a sprinkle of salt and begin to mix the eggs with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula. Stir non stop. Hard and fast. When the eggs look like small crumbly pieces, remove from heat and keep stirring.
  4. Add the sour cream, and stir, then put back on heat stirring non stop for about a minute.
  5. Remove from heat and plate immediately. This is so the sour cream doesn’t break and you end up with a broken wet oily mess.

Note: Timing is essential for perfect fluffy eggs. What makes this recipe a 4 is the timing. You will still end up with delicious eggs but if your timing is off they will be runny.

Need more help? 

Have questions on the recipe or how to prepare your Designer Beef? Shoot an email to our Chef:


Myk Walton is a Professional Chef who loves to share his culinary creations (and music, family, etc.) on Instagram (@mykwalton). He named his Designer Beef cow “Gomer” and has dedicated himself to making the most of Gomer’s sacrifice by helping others do the same!
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