Type Of Feeds
Grain Based $$
- Highest level of marbling
- Best taste and more flavor
- Higher level of tenderness
- Produces moist and juicy steaks
- Not as healthy as grass fed beef
- More expensive on feed
GRASS AND GRAIN MIX $ (Recommended)
- Grain marbling with the best balance of fat on the meat
- Juicy and tender
- Most economical feed
- Well-balanced diet for your animal’s health
Grass Fed $$$
- Leaner meat with lower fat content
- Fat on meat is healthier and contains less monounsaturated fat
- Contains as much as 5x omega three fatty acids
- Distinct grass-fed (wild or gamey) flavor
- Higher in vitamin A and E and antioxidants
- More feed intake needed for less meet
- Less marbling
- Dry and sometimes tough meat
- Flavor is not as rich
- Cannot be dry aged